Firewise Hours Sheet
PDF / Excel​​
               Firewise Committee​

​On September 22, 2011, the CAHC Board of Directors approved the formation of a firewise committee.

The State designated our community Fire status as Extreme. We became eligible for receiving state assistance in the form of Grants to help educate, and reduce the chance of woodland fires spreading and damaging homes in our community. We have been granted "A Firewise Community".

The purpose of the Carefree Acres Firewise Committee is to educate our residents in making the community safer from the threat of forest fires, and woodland fires. Along with that, we are also eligible to get one grant a year, in exchange for “in kind” hours donated towards the grant. We must donate at least 20% of the grant cost in labor hours.  

​​Click on Virginia Firewise Icon for more information.

Firewire Submittal Form

*** THIS IS A TEST FORM, PLEASE DO NOT USE UNTIL NOTIFIED BY THE CAHC*** Please log activity completed: Pulling brush, clearing gutters, wood splitting/stacking, mowing, leaf/debris removal, tree/landscape contractors improvements, & Firewise meetings/events.